
Thursday, April 10, 2014

~ Moments of Spring ~

Even after the incredibly brutal winter we had the hens and chicks survive. It's such a lovely site.

The chickens seem as relieved as we are that the snow is gone and they can pick and scratch at the earth again.

A pumpkin from last year that got a soft spot before we could use it. Myra loves pumpkin, lettuce, greens, beets, turnips...she really enjoyed herself and she doesn't share well with others.

Ten days to go and we should have some lambs showing up. I am so excited and hopefully the weather cooperates and the sun will shine.

I am actually ahead of the game this year and was able to get a large portion of the yard cleaned up yesterday and the gardens by the front of the house cleaned out. I had a very happy baby that was content to swing and watch me work. I also had an awesome big kid that wanted to take him for a walk in the baby carrier.

My seedlings are in full swing in the garage turned green house. I have 24 solid cabbages, cauliflowers, bak choi and broccoli plants. I have two of the eight hanging baskets planted and a bunch of herbs started. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants too. Grace started her 4H project with six types of cut flower seeds. Spring has indeed sprung.

What are your favorite spring activities?

Shared at The HomeAcre Hop, From the Farm Blog Hop

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see your signs of spring, our chickens are so happy to be outside once again. Thanks for sharing your post on the HomeAcre Hop, hope to see you again tomorrow! - Nancy The Home Acre Hop
