~ continual work in progress~
- Cure Tooth Decay*
- Herbal Antibiotics*
- Little Sugar Addicts*
- Suicide by Sugar*
- Sugar Blues*
- Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines ~ link
- Natural Alternative to Vaccinations
- Vaccination Deception: How Vaccines Prevent Optimal Health
- Vaccination, Deception, and Tragedy, The Truth About Vaccines and the Risk They Pose *
- How To Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor*
- How To Raise a Vaccine Free Child*
Cookbooks and Recipes
- Nourishing Traditions*
- For the Love of Food*
- The Makers Diet*
- Laurel's Kitchen*
Children's Health
- Integrative Medicine for Children
- How To Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor*