
Saturday, October 27, 2012

~ Squash Harvest {with recipe} ~

We had a very good year for winter squash, the big ones on the left end weigh about 40 lbs a piece. My mom also has some Buttercup squash for us, she had two plants that gave at least 16 squash.

This is my recipe for Sweet Potato Pie but squash works just as well. One very easy extra step is needed so that the squash will be thick enough, draining the extra water out. When ever I make homemade pumpkin/squash puree, I make a large batch and put some in the freezer for later.

I have a couple of great go to winter squash recipes but could use a few more. What is your favorite way to eat winter squash? If you have a good recipe, please link to it in the comment section.


  1. Megan- I enjoyed your post. I also keep chickens for my grown son and daughter, and ducks for us. Here are some of my favorite ways to use pumpkins which are so cheap now-

  2. Thank you Hannah! I have enjoy looking around and reading your blog. That turnip is impressive!!

  3. I need your email address for the persimmon tree things!

  4. I love winter squash but did not have a good year for it. I did get 2 pumpkins! Sweet potatoes did great, thankfully. In fact, we love sweet potato pie better than pumpkin. :)

    When we do have squash, one of my favorite recipes is Honey Baked Squash.

    1. Thank you Leigh

      Those look so yummy! I am going to have to try a few of those recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
