Wednesday, February 5, 2014

~ Our Newest Farm Baby ~

-20 below without windchill. Not exactly the best conditions to be born in to but Scottish Highlanders are extremely hardy. Once we got her in, dried off, and nourishment in her tummy, she was good to go.

I had this sweater in my stash to make cloth diaper covers, 
worked prefect to keep her warm in sub-zero temps.

We have yet to name this little gal. I was trying to find something of Scottish origins but most names are hard to pronounce. Any ideas? If you have a name suggestion please leave your ideas in the comments.


  1. I like Maggie, or maybe Bonnie? Looking up Scottish names, some of them are beautiful for a little human but not so appropriate for a big cow, and some are just a mouth full. I don't imagine you want to use three or four syllables. What a cutie!

  2. There's always "Lassie" (which of course is just 'little girl'!).

  3. What a cutie! I like Dahlia, how perfect would that be? Thank you for sharing this at the HomeAcre Hop; I hope you'll join us again this Thursday.
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead
