Saturday, April 9, 2011

~ Busy Week ~

I can't believe the week is almost over. I was really excited for the Ultimate Blog Party and then we (I say we but I really had nothing to do with it) had a baby calf and moved the baby chicks outside (yay!!!). It has started to get really nice outside so I have had very little time to check out new blogs or even blog on my own blog!
 This was early morning, hard to believe that by afternoon they were all running around in t-shirts! Jairden is a farm boy through and through. I swear he can hear that tractor start from the next county over.

For all those who visited from the UBP and left comments know that I am coming to check out your blog soon! I stole a few moments today and whipped up a reusable produce bag and will find time to make a couple more for the give away!
The asparagus plants that I started from seeds came up, so much for ten weeks till germination. All of my seedlings are doing really good and I will have to pot up the tomato and pepper seedlings soon. Now that it is nice I can make some hoop covers to start warming the dirt for my melon plants. I am determined to get melons this year. Last year was just to cold and rainy. A few very small melons were harvested but nothing big enough to eat.

Our homeschooling is still going well! There are weeks that are not as structured (no structure?) but full of practical application, like cooking and baking to learn fractions and Celsius/Fahrenheit or building chicken coops for wedding presents to learn about architecture.

My Little Cowboy!


  1. a likeminded "weird" one, hurray! We crazies need to stick together! :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment!

    PS. That is the CUTEST little furry calf ever!

  2. So nice to meet you - found you through the Ultimate Blog Party. Congrats on the baby calf!

  3. The baby calf is so cute! Congratulations. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you did so that I found your blog...
