Sunday, November 10, 2013

~ Beet Kvass ~

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Beet kvass has become one of my favorite drinks. I wish I would have ventured into learning about its incredible healing properties long ago. As found in Nourishing Traditions

Professor Zabel observed that sick people always lack digestive juice, not only during the acute phase of their illness but also for a longtime afterwards. In addition, he never saw a cancer victim that had a healthy intestinal flora...This, the different lacto-fermented foods are a valuable aid to the cancer patient. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and contain as well enzymes that caner patients lack. Of particular value are lacto-ferment beets, which have a very favorable effect on disturbed cellular function. Many scientific studies have demonstrated that beets have a regenerating effect on the body.
Annelies Schoneck Des Crudites Toute L'Annee 
Beet Kvass
makes 2 quarts

3 medium organic, peeled and coarsely chopped beets
1/4 cup whey
1 tbsp himylanian salt
filtered water

Put everything in a jar, fill with water, cover tightly and leave on the counter for 2 to 3 days, then move to fridge. You can use the same beets to make another batch.

This post from Holistic Squid gives instructions to make beet kvass without the whey.

What is your favorite lacto-fermented food or beverage?

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