Monday, May 9, 2011

~ Cold Crop Veggie Boxes ~

After realizing that between the dog and my youngest, garden row just would not work, they would get trampled. Jairden tries hard to stay out, but the dog has no concept of rows when he is chasing chipmunks. 

So, I found some extra lumber, cut it down to two foot lengths and made some easy 2x2 boxes. I found another use for those plastic blind slats, they make great dividers. I planted eight kinds of lettuce, four kinds of radishes, and two kinds of carrots.

This is going to be the future home of our polytunnel. The book “How to Grow Food in your Polytunnel all Year Round” is awesome. We are really excited to be able to have fresh veggies in the near middle of winter. We figure that the cost of the tunnel will pay itself back if the only thing we grow is lettuce the first winter. Right now we spend about four dollars a week on lettuce and that is just for my husband's dinners at work.

Right now we are using the space as a place to till soil for the planter boxes and new garden beds.

All of the seedling enjoying some shady sunshine. Hopefully they can go in the ground soon under the cover of some hoop row covers at night.

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  1. So glad you stopped by my blog.
    Glad to see another Highland fancier.
    We have a few here that we could milk,5 actually are accepting of hand milking.
    I will do some more reading, great blog!

  2. Wow. That will make for a nice, big garden! Great post!

  3. We have an unheated greenhouse (a la Elliott Coleman) and have been growing our winter greens in there for a few years now. I've narrowed it down to mache (corn salad) Swiss chard, kale, green onions and some leaf lettuce, which will stand until it gets REALLY cold. When the temps dive, we put wire wickets over the bed and add floating row cover. I love being able to go out there in the winter and pick organic fresh green things. By the way, mache loves cold weather, and it is great as a lettuce and also in cooked things. Good luck!
