Monday, February 22, 2010

~ Spring Fever ~

"Oooo..." You know it is your fourth when you get the camera and not the kid
I am just about ready for the nut house, lol because if I didn't laugh I would cry. The kids have been crazy with a capital "C". We have even had them outside multiple times a day. I think that is backfiring on us, it seems like the more fresh air they get, the more energy they get. I am not one to wish winter away, but a good warm-up would be nice. With it being so loud, my brain doesn't think well enough for a "really good post", you know, with a recipe or something like that.

This is the best I have, great blogs to share with you, so really, what can be better than that? Dionna at Code Name: Mama is writing an awesome series on circumcision, if you are going to be having a boy soon you really need to go and check it out. She also has lots of fun ideas to help encourage your toddler or even preschooler to explore. Peaceful Parenting (brought to my attention by Dionna) is an awesome resource for all things. Every time I am there I learn so much new info, that is solid info, not just a bunch of huey. Dr. Joseph Mercola is an ND and his site has invaluable info. I watch a great video the other day on what a hoax the H1N1 scare was and the profit that pharmaceutical companies receive from your US tax dollars. You can basically search his site for anything you are looking for info on and find an answer, or so my experience has so far proven. Happy info hunting, the more you know, the more you are in charge of your health, which is always the best place to be.

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